-ahl_battleroyale Secret Walkthrough- written by Al on 12/27/20. --- Equip yourself with akimbo saas, desert eagle and night vision goggles. You're gonna need them. Also, you need at least 2 people to do the secret. *Epilepsy Warning* A few rooms in this map might really mess you up. I had never had a seizure in my entire life but my head hurt pretty bad after spending a bit too much time in those blasted SEIZURE ROOMS. By the way, read each number fully before going forward. --- 1. Press use on the 'Battle Royale' magazine on the 2nd floor of the yellow-white and red building, you'll hear a sound for confirmation. 2. Upstairs in the BR(big red letters) White and brick building by the Equanox van, right across from the 'Battle Royale Second' book, is a thin wooden table under the window with a number 2(?) written underneath. There are 2 buttons, one on either side. Time it so you and your friend hit both buttons at the same time. There will be an explosion. Go through the double doors in this room, then the next set and go through the double doors in the room with the podium. Go up the stairs on the left and the previously closed door is now open to a black void. 3. Enter the black void door and you'll enter a totally black room. Feel around until you find the white cube and teleport to the room with a couch and pictures on the wall. Slashing the wall for reference helped. Get used to these areas because you're gonna be going through them again and again. 4. You are now in the upturned couch room. Crouch and jump through the poster above the table, move around in it for a little bit until some green symbols appear near the couch. 5. Walk into the green Japanese symbols called 'Kanji'(these two together mean 'Delivery/Childbirth') and you'll end up in an empty room with an empty void door, run and dive through it. 6. Now you're in a room with 3 empty void doors. Go through the doors in this sequence: 1,1,3,3. 7. Now you're in a dingy bathroom with a piss trough. Slash the trough until it breaks and then crouch and move forward extremely slowly until you see a platform and a small black window. You must shoot through the floor of the platform(approximately a little to the right of center) until you do enough damage for a picture to appear. 8. Equip yourself with a frag grenade and get back to the previous area. You need to toss a nade through the black window above the picture. Then 3 stepping stones will appear. Jump to the third stone and inch forward making sure to drop straight down. To make things easier, equip night vision goggles again as soon as possible. 9. Now you're on an invisible staircase far away from the main area. Move your way to the top of it until you find a small square with Kanji on it. Do a walljump onto the square, use it, and then slowly walk forward. You'll be teleported back to the couch room with the floating green Kanji and a new one appears on the right, it translates to 'Leads Onto'. 10. Walk through the new green Kanji on the right and you'll end up in a room with 3 red buttons on the wall and 3 doors. Hit the 3rd switch, then the 1st switch. Now stand in front of the 3rd door and follow these directions to each room. Forward, forward, back left, forward, forward. Now you're in a black void and you need to find the white cube to teleport. You'll end up back in the couch room and a new pair of green Kanji have appeared to the right, these 2 together mean, 'Life'. So all together, 'Childbirth - Leads Onto - Life'. 11. Go through the new pair of Kanji on the right. You're now in a control room, hit the switch under the topography map to the left. Now hit the switch to the right of the door. When the doors open get in there and wait a bit. You'll be taken down to the underwater tube. 12. In here destroy the middle glass panel on the floor. Now the room will start filling up with water. Go to the door opposite where you came from and as soon as it starts to open crouch and shoot the power switch. Now wait until it opens enough to crawl through and get back to the couch room. 13. A new pair of floating green Kanji appear on the far right for you to run into. These ones mean, 'Resentment/Hatred'. Go through and you'll end up in 'Siezure Room'. If you look close while moving around you'll notice 2 larger square outlines on one of the walls. They have a glass decal when you shoot them. Destroy both of the squares and enter through one of them to 'Siezure Hallway'. There is a pad on the floor in the center that is slightly raised. You need to push 'use' on it to activate but don't hit it yet. 14. Go back into the 'Siezure Room' and stay crouched, moving against the wall opposite from the 2 openings to find an invisible square right in the center you can slip through. JUST FIND THE OPENING, DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM! This is the entrance to the 'TRUE SIEZURE ROOM'. 15. Go into 'Siezure Hallway' and press use on the pad, now VERY QUICKLY RUN over to the invisible entrance and enter the TRUE SEIZURE ROOM. Inside this crazy red-green room, a panel in the center floor will slide open, you need to jump in right away, crouch next to the block, and then use it. After this, make sure you equip Night vision goggles again if you haven't already and type kill in the console, since there's no other way out. Get back to the couch/Kanji room. 16. You are in the Kanji room. For this section you need 2 people. Another pair of floating green symbols appeared and this time they mean 'Repentance'. Go through these new Kanji on the far right. After a grisly end, you end up in a white room. The Katakana in front of you mean, 'Wonderful Life'. The whole line of Katakana is an illusion. You can pass right through it. Have your friend crouch down in front of the letters and hop on top of him, then if he stands up, you can do a walljump/climb right up to the open space. 17. Now you're in a water room, get to the bottom and activate the button. After that you can either drown or kill yourself. Make your way back to the upturned couch room. 18. You're back in the couch room. That blocked off hallway is finally open and you can pass through the new pair of Kanjis which mean, 'Death'. Now you're in a black void room, spray a tag to help find your way.you need to crouch and move back and forth to pass through and down a few levels. Then at the bottom you'll start to hear wailing and moaning. Again, spray your nice-sized(hopefully) tag around to help find your way to a teleporter which leads to the BLOODY MEATSU KANJI ROOM. 19. You are in the BLOODY MEATSU KANJI ROOM. Most of the time you die but your goal is to destroy the symbol spinning at the top before you perish. Seems the only way is to enter the teleporter with a cooked grenade. When it explodes you'll trip the switch. After this is done, you die and head back to the upturned couch room. 20. In the couch room, the door down the steps and to the right has some new Kanji above it, roughly translated, 'Repopulate'. Go through the door and you'll end up in a room with a bunch of red Kanji squares. There are 5 switches total you need to hit. 1 switch on the bottom, 1 switch on the 2nd row, 2 switches on the 3rd row(right across from eachother) and 1 on the 4th row. You have to hit them in order and they'll depress when you do it right. Spray a tag on one of the walls to help keep track of your orientation. Good Luck! 21. You're now floating in a cube of water, tag the wall for position and swim to the top, pressing 'use' on the ceiling will get you out. 22. You'll find yourself in a little office with a dividing wall of glass. Pay close attention to the layout of furniture and the pattern of the red green squares. If your memory sucks, take a screenshot. Now doublejump into the wall and find the teleporter opposite the glass. It'll pop you right outside the building. 23. You need to find the office room duplicate and it's located across from the yellow-red building which contains the Battle Royale book. When in the office use the 3 filing cabinet doors and then the bottom of the desk just like it showed you in that dividing glass room. A wall will open so walk on through. This is your final reward! A bunch of special weapons that only you can get to now that you know the secret! The weapons only appear in deathmatch though. If you're in TDM you get nothing but the cock, balls and some fruity music. Fin!